Monday, September 29, 2008

Parish Assistance Consultant

The beat goes on: From the latest WELS call report:

Kelm, Rev Paul E -- Parish Assistance Of - Milwaukee WI 09/26/2008

How odd it seems to me as word on the street was SP Schroeder was doing a fine job of rooting out the Church and Change crowd from synodical headquarters. Now we find the esteemed Rev. Kelm is called back to assist congregations in using contemporary worship and reformed sermons. Is he called back to start another spiritual growth program?

Why oh why?


Anonymous said...

This reminds me of Arnold. Use your best Austrian accent "He's baaaaack."

Anonymous said...

Kelm is filling the vacuum left by Wayne Mueller's departure.

Thirsty for the Kool-Aid

Anonymous said...

i would be real curious to know in what capacity he is going to serve. is it really necessary for him to consult the parishes? just when you think some progress is being made, it's back to the same ol' same old. geeeez. what's wrong with giving this guy a call to a church, watching him like a hawk, and giving him the 'left foot' if he strays?

Anonymous said...

I am not sure why you are surprised. Prez Schroeder and Rev. Kelm share the same theology.


John said...

I will contact 2929 and see who issued this call to Kelm.

Anonymous said...

Parish Services issued the call without Schroeder's knowledge. He probably found out by reading Bailing Water. That is really evil when subordinates try to pull a nasty as a sign of contempt for the elected synod president.


Anonymous said...

He has not yet accepted the call. He is serving in his call to St Mark Lutheran Church in De Pere, WI. He still needs to deliberate which call he will serve. Just because he was issued the call does not mean that he is going.

Anonymous said...

"Parish Services issued the call without Schroeder's knowledge. He probably found out by reading Bailing Water. That is really evil when subordinates try to pull a nasty as a sign of contempt for the elected synod president."

Exactly right. This had nothing to do with President Schroeder.

I believe that one of the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee was that the Synod President should be involved directly with the calling of synodical positions. That would have prevented this problem.

Don't worry. Parish Assistance is already under close watch. There have been a lot of complaints about them. If Kelm accepts the call, Schroeder is going to be all over everything he does.

Anonymous said...

Actually, they called at least 7 pastors for this position before the current call to Paul Kelm. All 7 returned the call having deliberated to stay in their current calls. There may be more than 7, but these 7 were called and turned down the call:
Pastors Bruce Janisch, Randy Hunter, Steven Witte, Don Sutton, Michael Duncan, John Stellick and Robert Raasch.

Anonymous said...

You people are crazy, especially you, Bespoke. Call Prez Schroeder and ask him if he and Kelm share the same theology and whether Kelm is a pastor in good standing in the WELS or not. Here's a bulletin for you, they do and he is.

Sheesh, as if Schroeder doesn't know what is going on... If he doesn't then he is incompentent. He isn't and he does.

Beano "The Jackson Jackhammer"

Anonymous said...

"Sheesh, as if Schroeder doesn't know what is going on... If he doesn't then he is incompentent. He isn't and he does."

Wait, let me get this straight. It's your argument that President Schroeder attends and casts the deciding vote in every call meeting that takes place in the entire synod?


Anonymous said...

Dear Wow,

Yeah, that's exactly what I said (said dripping with sarcasm).

Apparently you think the Synod Office Buidling is like some multinational comglomerate where the top man doesn't know what is going on. There are a half dozen "called" positions there and everyone knows what is going on. You don't think Schroeder reads the call lists and knows what is going on? (He read this blog for cripes sake!)

Besides why should Schroeder care if Kelm is called, they share the same theology and Kelm is a pastor in good standing in the WELS.


Anonymous said...

"There are a half dozen "called" positions there and everyone knows what is going on. You don't think Schroeder reads the call lists and knows what is going on?"

First of all, there are far, far more than half a dozen called positions in the synod. There are more than half a dozen Parish Assistance consultants alone! When you consider all the professors and administrators in the synod there are over 100 called synod positions.

Second of all, of course Schroeder sees the call lists. But by that point what's he supposed to do? Interfere with a divine call by leveraging his position? I surely hope that's not what you are expecting him to do. Would you advocate a congregational president leveraging his authority in a congregational call meeting to get the guy he wants?

I'd rather have a guy like Kelm as a consultant than have people playing politics with divine calls.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's right, everyone is a minister.

Do you even read the posts or do the little voices in your head tell you that what the person wrote is not what they wrote. Who said Schroeder should as you say "interfere" etc.? No one but the voice in your head. Who said we were talking about professors etc.? No one but the voice in your head. Did I suggest that he should get someone other than Kelm? No one but the voice in your head. I said Kelm's theology is the SAME as Schroeder, so of course he would want Kelm, as I said! (Unless in the language the voices in your head use the word SAME means DIFFERENT. Or is your dog talking to you again?)

You are telling me that Schroeder is not aware of whom is being called? Of course he is, or, if he isn't, then he is incompetent.

So for the people out there who don't have voices in their heads, get over it. Kelm, Schroeder, no diff and so no diss on Kelm.


Anonymous said...

since prez schoeder supposedly reads this blog, let's ask him directly -
President Schoeder, did you have prior knowledge to Kelm's divine call to be a parish consultant? If so, did you approve and rubberstamp it? Are you and Kelm on the same page doctrinally and is he a WELS pastor in good standing? By the way, why are so many parish consultants needed? How many are there and wouldn't another one be excessive? Can't we find a congregation somewhere that needs extra shepharding and better use the talents these men were synodically trained to do? How about cutting back synod agencies at 2929 and making the best use of synod monies by trimming the fat? How about going directly to the good WELS rank and file and asking them what they think? Plan a "survey sunday" for every congregation and ask all members to answer questions and offer suggestions in their sunday bulletins. Maybe direct communication with the people could render some real solutions and put you and others there in the Milwaukee hierarchy in touch with all the members and not just the pastors or DP's. I digress. Back to Kelm, can you investigate this 'call' and see if another consultant is actually necessary? Can you report to the people what all the other consultants are consulting the parishes about? Can't remember the last time my congregation had a consultant or even needed one for that matter. I'm concerned that my offerings are being diverted to pay for padded synodical boards. Can you put my fears to rest? Thank you for your consideration of these questions and suggestions.