Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Synod Convention

I would like to point you to the official convention website for information regarding the upcoming Synod convention.


Because of pressing duties, BW will be on a hiatus for awhile. You may post comments or provide unfiltered information as you desire.

May we remain ever-vigilant and soldiers of the cross.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Think You Don’t Like Ceremony? Think Again!

Johnold Strey | May 20, 2009


Please, let us change the topic.

Please, let us change the topic.

A relative was getting his vicar assignment from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. I watched the service on the web. The preacher, whom the bulletin said was a Prof. Hartwig did not preach the Gospel other than a passing reference or two to the word. He obviously then did not preach Christ crucified, in fact he went on at great length about the training of young ants by older ants, yes, ants. I learned more about ants than I did about Christ.

Is this typical of seminary prof's preaching (since this was a grand affair, I assume so.) If you don't believe me, check it out.

Oh, and as I heard from my relative, 11 seniors will not get calls.
